Corporate philosophy

The satisfaction of the customer, the safety of all work processes, the health protection of employees, environmental protection as well as the quality of work processes and services are our highest requirements. This includes general safety, compliance with legal and technical safety regulations, avoiding illnesses and promoting the development of the staff involved with regard to preventive safety behavior.

The customer determines the standard for quality. The quality refers to the high quality of our products and services. Compliance with the specified quality is economical and avoids unneces- sary costs. Maintaining and developing quality is an ongoing process, an important part of our work and especially a management task. Quality and safety begins in the head and brings success. Quality and safety must never be a result of chance and are planned and defined by us regardless of personal attitude.

Further corporate goals are: high product and test quality, further development of the products, application of all current standards and legal and regulatory requirements. Test equipment of the highest standards is used in our laboratory. Through regular training of our employees, we ensure expert advice to our customers and qualified execution of orders. Our high product quality is ensured by constant controls in our test laboratory.

The work of the employees of the laboratory and the laboratory management are independent of any commercial, financial and other influences and are independent of instructions in the determi- nation of the relevant facts and the reaching of judgments. Avoiding errors has priority over identifying errors. Right from the start, you have to work properly and safely at every workplace. The goal is “100% right” the first time, do not tolerate any mistakes and do everything possible to avoid them and to recognize and remedy their causes.

The protection of people, the preservation of the integrity of all products and materials from loss and destruction or theft and the protection of manufacturer information that is placed in the care of third parties, and compliance with legal and safety regulations are extremely important.

There is a duty of confidentiality with regard to all processes within our company and customer processes. Our employees see the duty and responsibility of each individual to take care of his / her own health and safety and that of his/her colleagues and every other person in connection with his/her work. The successful cooperation of our employees takes place under fair conditions.

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