
Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH is located directly on the Baltic coast on an area of 3.3 hectares. Having the opportunity to use our own dock and rail connection has many logistical advantages. As well as this, our proximity to important global markets is what makes the location of Lubmin attractive, as we can offer our customers short dispatch routes and low freight costs.


Thanks to the jetty, we are able to receive raw materials by sea.

Base-Oil storage

Our base oil store consists of a total of 18 external tanks with a total capacity of 5,400 m³.

Blending hall/Laboratory/Product designing

The blending hall is located on the ground floor. There are six blending tanks for capacities of 6 to 30 cubic metres as well as a mini-batch blender of up to 1 cubic metre. These plants enable us to produce very small but also big volumes. At the laboratory located on the upper floor, quality assurance takes place. Any product is inspected by means of state-of-the-art techniques, from the delivery of the base oil to the end product. Apart from that, here is the product-design department where our developers design the customized products.

Additive- and Special-Oil Warehouse

Our additive- and special-oil warehouse contains 44 tanks with a total capacity of 1,160 cubic metres.


We dispose of fully and semi-automatic filling systems for 1 to 1,000 litres by which we can fill almost every container form. Thus, we are able to fulfil any individual customer's request.

Loading area

The 2,100 m² storage area has three loading ramps with a large picking area.

Logistics hall

Immediately next to our loading area is the logistics hall with a total area of around 4,000 m². This offers a total of 4,850 parking spaces.

Final blending storage

The finished lubricants are located in these 24 tanks. The warehouse has a capacity of 1,680 m³.

Unloading station for tankers

The base oils delivered are examined and unloaded through pig pipelines into the base-oil tanks.

Loading station for tankers

The finished products are loaded for national and international shipping.

Administration building

This is where the accounting, purchasing, IT, marketing, production planning, human resources, quality management, sales and management departments are housed.
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